Arich Infotech

Mainframe - PL/1 Programming

Mainframe - PL/1 Programming

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

MFAPP – 02 PL/1 Programming

Course Code: MAPL02

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Programming Structure
  2. High-Level Organization
  3. Low-Level Organization
  4. The Character Set
  5. Preprocessor Statements
  6. The %INCLUDE Statement
  7. The %REPLACE Statement
  8. Data Types and Attributes
  1. Arithmetic Conversion Functions
  2. Arithmetic to Bit-string Conversion
  3. Character to Arithmetic Conversion
  4. Bit to Character-string Conversion
  5. Bit-string to Arithmetic Conversion
  1. Array Declarations
  2. Structures
  3. Assignments and Expressions
  4. Pseudo-variables
  5. Storage Classes
  6. The ALLOCATE Statement
  7. Programming Considerations
  1. The Simple DO Statement
  2. The Controlled DO Statement
  3. The IF Statement
  4. The GOTO Statement
  5. I/O Conditions
  6. I/O Conditions
  7. The ENDFILE Condition
  8. I/O Condition BIFs
  9. I/O Categories
  1. The OPEN / CLOSE Statement
  2. I/O Conditions
  3. I/O Condition BIFs
  4. Predefined Files SYSIN and SYSPRINT
  5. LIST-directed I/O
  6. EDIT-directed I/O
  7. The GET EDIT Statement
  8. The PUT EDIT Statement
  1. The READ with KEY Statement
  2. The WRITE with KEYFROM Statement
  3. Built-in Functions
  4. String-handling Functions
  5. The ALLOCATE Statement
  6. The CALL Statement
  7. The NULL Statement
  8. The %REPLACE Statement
  1. Controlling the Compile Process:
  2. PROCESS Statement
  3. JCL PARM Operand
  4. Compiler Listing Options
  5. How to make use of the Pre-Processor
  6. Pre-Processor Statements
  7. Compiler Process
  8. JCL Required to Compile a Program
  9. Procedures Available in A MVS Environment
  10. Sections of a Compiler Listing
  11. Passing Program Parameters in JCL
  1. Reasons for Program Errors
  2. Error handling Routines
  3. Language Environment Services
  4. Compiler Listing Options
  5. Run-time Options
  6. ON Condition Error Handling
  7. Dumps and Their Options
  8. Interactive Debug Tool
  1. ON Statement Definition
  2. Built-In Conditions and User Defined Conditions
  3. On Conditions affecting Program Flow and Control
  4. Scope of ON Conditions
  5. Commonly Encountered PL/1 Conditions
  6. Generic Error Conditions
  7. File Related Conditions
  8. Arithmetic Related Conditions
  9. Storage Related Conditions