Arich Infotech

Mainframe - ASSEMBLER Programming Basic

Mainframe - ASSEMBLER Programming Basic

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

MFAPP – 07 ASSEMBLER Programming Basics

Course Code: MAAP07

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

Assembler Programming

  1. Language Hierarchy
  2. Assembler Program Components
  3. Program Components
  1. Hardware Components
  2. Numbering Systems
  3. Numeric Conversions
  4. Data Representation
  1. Addressing
  2. Machine Instruction Formats
  3. Assembler Language Formats
  1. Assembler Language Syntax
  2. The Assembly Process
  1. The Define Storage (DS) Instruction
  2. The Define Constant (DC) Instruction
  3. Literals
  1. Defining Data Sets
  2. Data Transfer Macros
  1. Basics of Decimal Arithmetic
  2. Decimal Type Conversion
  3. Decimal Arithmetic Operations
  4. Editing Decimal Data
  1. Load and Store Instructions
  2. Move Instructions
  1. Decision Making in Assembler
  2. Compare Instructions
  3. Branching
  4. Building Structured Constructs
  1. Decimal to Binary Conversion
  2. Addition and Subtraction
  3. Multiplication
  4. Division