The Power of Non-Verbal Cues in Communication

Communicate effectively using gestures.

This type of communication actively involves all forms of communication except the use of words. They involve eye contact, hand gestures, the tone of your voice, and facial expressions. These are all combined to create a powerful effect on the way your speech reaches the audience.

It is an undeniable fact that everything about us from hand movements to the clothes we choose to wear and even our hairstyles all convey a message to the audience making us as a whole- a vehicle of communication. It is necessary to be aware and portray the right non-verbal cue based on the audience thus the message shared doesn’t get sidetracked or ignored.

We not only use these cues naturally but also respond to them with ease through handshakes and facial expressions in response to others’ expressions around us. This strongly implies how we relate to each other and how these gestures become the base of effective communication.

Let’s discuss the essence of these cues in detail:

Eye- Contact

This is a powerful communication tool and it not only relies on responses of observing, blinking, or casually giving a glance, It also includes communication through consciously looking away blinking too often, and staring at the same place for a longer time period. For Instance, The presenter in a meeting has to maintain good eye contact with every person in the crowd while a person listening has to keep a fixed gaze to communicate his stance to the presenter in return.

Body Gestures

It is well known that a ‘smile’ is a welcome in itself, these facial expressions, and hand movements such as a sturdy handshake compared to a wave are all said to communicate your emotional feeling towards the particular moment and your relational experience to the person involved.


This non-verbal cue may represent closely with words, but it has nothing to do with them, in fact, it represents all the nuances of our voices, including the volume, rate, pitch, and filler sounds we use unconsciously to validate our listening and being on par with our immediate surroundings.

It is known that “Eyes are the window to our souls”, and this is often proved right when we consider the impact of non-verbal cues in our communications, they discuss our feelings and decide our personalities all without the use of a single word or phrase.