Arich Infotech

Dot Net Full Stack

Dot Net Full Stack

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

Dot Net Course Advanced

Course Code: DNTF47

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Introduction to HTML
    1. Basics
    2. Elements
    3. Images
    4. Hyper Links
  2. Forms
    1. Controls
  3. Graphics
    1. Media
    2. APIs
  4. Audio/Video
    1. Web Storage
    2. GeoLocation
    3. Web Workers
  1. Basics
    1. CSS 3 Features
    2. Types of Stylesheets
    3. Types of Selectors
  2. Background
    1. Borders
    2. Margin
    3. Floating Layout
  3. Flex Layout
    1. Padding
    2. Display
    3. Responsive
    4. Grid system
    5. LESS/SASS
  1. Introduction to Bootstrap
    1. History of Bootstrap
    2. Advantages of Bootstrap Framework
    3. Responsive web page
    4. Major Features of Bootstrap
    5. Mobile-First Strategy
    6. Setting up Environment
    7. How to apply Bootstrap to Applications
  2. Bootstrap Grid
    1. Container
    2. Offset Column
    3. Reordering Columns
    4. Display responsive Images
    5. change class properties,Bootstrap Typography
    6. Bootstrap Tables, Bootstrap Form Layout,Bootstrap Button
  3. Bootstrap Components
    1. Advantages of Bootstrap Components
    2. e different types of Bootstrap Components
    3. Add Forms and other controls to Navbar
  1. Introduction to Java Script
    1. Variables
    2. Operators
    3. Let, Const
    4. Datatypes
  2. Control Flow Statements
    1. Pop up Methods
    2. Error Handling
  3. Functions
    1. Objects
    2. Arrays
  4. Form Validation(Email,user,Password,Mobileno,Credit Card,Fax)
    1. ES6 Features
  1. Database Introduction
    1. Creation of Tables
    2. Data Definition Statements
    3. Data Manipulation Statements
    4. Built in Functions
  2. Joins
    1. Subqueries
    2. Normalization
    3. Database Diagrams
  1. Stored Procedures
  2. Functions
  4. Triggers
  1. Introduction to .Net Framework
  2. CLR & BCL, Execution Process of .Net
  3. .Net FrameWork Architecture
  4. Versions of .Net
  5. Goal Of c# .Net
  1. Introduction to Console Application
  2. Input and Output Methods
  3. Data Type in Brief
  4. Sample programs using data types
  1. Operators
  2. if ,if-else,
  3. Nested if else,
  4. switch
  1. while
  2. do-while,
  3. for loop
  4. for each
  1. Implicit Type of Casting
  2. Explicit Type of casting
  3. boxing and Unboxing
  4. What in Mean By Array
  5. About Array Class
  6. One Dimensional Array
  1. Two Dimensional Array
  2. Jagged Array
  3. Param Array
  4. Example Programs
  1. Introduction of oops
  2. How to write a class
  3. How to Create the object
  4. What is class
  5. What is Object
  1. Types of Methods
  2. Constructor,Parameterized
  3. Private,Static
  4. Destructor
  5. Abstraction
  1. Encapsulation(private,public,static,internal,protected,
    Protected Internal)
  2. Inheritance
  3. Types of inheritance
  1. Method Oveloading
  2. Method Overriding
  3. Method Shadowing
  4. Static class
  5. Partial class
  6. Sealed class
  1. Accessor Within the Property
  2. Get Accessor
  3. Set Accessor
  4. Introduction of Exception
  5. Try Statement, Catch, Finally,Exception classes
  6. Exception classes
  7. Throw Exception,User Defined Exception
  1. Introduction of Thread
  2. Thread Operations
  3. Thread states
  4. Introduction to Delegates
  5. Singlecast Delegates
  6. Multicast Delegates
  1. Collection classes(Arraylist, Stacks, Queues, HashTable, SortedList)
  2. Stack, Queue
  3. List, Dictionary
  1. Difference between DLL and EXE
  2. o build a class library
  3. Type Assemblies
  4. How to Create Strong Name
  5. Manage Shared Assembly in Gac
  1. Stream and Types of Streams
  2. standard IO streams
  3. FileMode, FileAccess, FileShare
  4. Binary Reader and Binary Writer
  5. Working with File System
  6. Serialization and Deserialization
  1. Read type information Using Reflection
  2. Work with Attributes
  3. Pre-defined Attributes
  4. Custom Attributes
  5. Read custom attributes Using Reflection
  1. Introduction to Windows Application
  2. Windows Forms Creation
  3. Windows Controls
  4. Sample programs using Windows Controls
  1. Introduction to ASP.NET
  2. Versions of .Net,ASP.Net Environment Setup
  3. Web Browser,Web Support Language
  4. Client side and Server Side Scripting
  1. Asp.Net as Framework ,Namespaces
  2. Understanding the Execution Scenerio
  3. Html control and asp Control
  4. Consuming control in webform
  5. ASP.Controls(buttons,labels,dropdown,calendar etc….)
  1. Introduction webform,worker process
  2. Applying style to control, themes, skin etc
  3. Page directives and its uses
  4. Separating Code and Design

Explain Databound Control in With Example
Grid view
Form view
List view
Detail view

Introduction to Master Page with Example
Over view of securtiy
Authentication and authorization and its types

Client Side State Management
Server Side State Management

ADO.NET Basics
Types of Architectures of ADO.NET
Connected Architecture
Connection, Command Objects
Data Reader Object
Disconnected Architecture
Data Adapter

Introduction of Webservices
Advantage of web service with Example
CRUD operation using Web Services

Intorduction to WCF
WCF vs Web Services
Developer Tools
Creating WCF Service
Hosting WCF Service
IIS Hosting
Self Hosting
WAS Hosting
Windows Service Hosting
Consuming WCF Service,Service Binding
Instance Management
RIA Services
Exception Handling,Security
Request Flow in ASP.NET MVC

Introduction to Controllers
Creating Controllers and Actions
Calling action methods thru the browser
Returning from action methods
Parameters in Action methods
URL Routing
The need of URL Routing
Parameters in URL
Default Parameter Values
Parameters with Constraints
Literals in URL

Introduction to Views (Razor)
ActionResult and ViewResult
Returning a view
Creating a Simple Razor View
Intermingling Code and Markup in Razor Views
View Bag / View Data / Temp Data
Shared Views
ASPX View Engine (vs) Razor

Introduction to LayoutViews
Creating custom layout views
Layout Views with Sections, RenderSection()
Overriding the _ViewStart.cshtml
Partial Views
Introduction to Models
Need of models

Creating models using Model First approach’
Introduction to Entity Framework
Need of Entity Framework
Creating DbContext and DbSet
Configuring connection string
Introduction to scaffold Templates in MVC

Code First Approach
Model First Approach
Db First Approach

Need of Scaffolding
Creating controllers and views using scaffold
Strongly typed views
Understanding Index, Details, Create, Edit, Delete action methods and views

Introduction to HTML helpers
DisplayNameFor( )
DisplayFor( )
BeginForm( )
EditorFor( )
ValidationMessageFor( )
RadioButtonFor( )
DropDownListFor( )
ListBoxFor( )
CheckBoxFor( )
Code First Migrations

Introduction to action filters

Introduction to Bundles and minification
Understanding BundleConfig.cs
ScriptBundle (vs) StyleBundle
Importing a ScriptBundle and StyleBundle
Creating and consuming custom bundles
Introduction to Validations
Model level validations (vs) View level validations
Importing jQuery Validation Plug in


What is AngularJS
Getting started
MVVM and MVC Architecture
What is Model, View, ViewModel
Creating view model
Observable properties
Working with Directives, Services, Filters, Functions

Introduction to React
Virtual DOM
Change detection
Using props for data passing
Internal state
Class Components
Refs & Input handling
Advanced Rectac
Component lifecycle
Debug tools
Directory structure

Basics of EF Core (ORM Tool)
Code first or Database first approach
Explain what it is and how to add DbContext into ASP.NET Core DI
How to map C# class to Database Table
Fluent Api Or Attribute based
Configuring Relationships, Global Query Filters and type converters (e..g Enum to string)

Linq to SQL, Linq to Collection, etc.,
How linq can be used for various SQL Scenarios
(Join, Filter, get related child records, Grouping,
Paging and filtering, etc.,
LINQ Basics
LINQ to Collections
LINQ to Objects
LINQ to Entities
Lambda Expressions in LINQ
Define Expressions in LINQ
Expression Tree
Differed Execution of LINQ Queries
Immediate Execution of LINQ Queries
Standard Query Operators
Look UP,Join,Group Join,SelelctAll

What is Web API
REST Basics
HTTP Verbs
Creating a Web API
Web API Routing
Parameter Binding
Data Formats
Media Type Formatters

What is ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core Basic Architecture
Dependency Injection
Authorization Framework
Using Http Client in ASP.NET Core
Routing in ASP.NET Core
Exception Handling
Project Creation
Executing sample Console Programs

Razor Engine
Controller based, Shared and View component
Importance of _ViewImports and _ViewStart file
View Components
Tag Helpers
Built-in Tag Helpers, usage, Custom Tag
Dependency Injection
Bundling & Minification
Mention about CDN Basics and advantages

Basics of REST API
Http Verbs
Explain how Api Routing should be
Aligning Entity with Http Verbs (e.g., Get Customer, Post customer)
Basics of Http Return codes (200, 300,400 and 500)
Returning Json along with Http Returns codes
Documenting each method with Swagger
Testing with Swagger
Testing API with Postman

What is MVC
MVC Architecture
Project Structure
MVC Routing
Razor Syntax
Partial Views
View Components
Tag Helpers
Exception Handling
EF core with MVC Core
Database First approach
Code First Approach
Attribute Based Routing
Data Annotations
Unit Testing

HTTP Client
Task, Async, Await
Consuming HTTP GET

c CRUD Operations using Entity Framework
Separation of work using BO Classes
Writing Generic Class / Repository
Caching in Repository

Cache Tag Helpers
Memory Caching Introduction
In-Memory Caching
Response Cache
Distributed Cache

CMS(Content Management System)
PMS(Project Management System)
HMS(Hospital Management System)
RMS (Human Resource Management System) for Any Organization