Arich Infotech

Mainframe - z/OS Architecture, JES ..more

Mainframe - z/OS Architecture, JES ..more

Duration in Hours (4 Hours session) : 60

Duration in Days: 15

MYSYS – 02
IPL, CATALOGE Management And Job Entry Sub System

Course Code: MSZA11

40 Hours of Theory

20 Hours of Lab

  1. Catalog Introduction – Purpose -Types – BCS – VVDS
  2. Master catalog
  3. User Catalog
  4. Performance issues VTOC
  5. Creation of User Catalog – Alias
  6. Catalog list commands
  7. Split, merge, backup, restore catalogs,
  8. Catalog commands
  9. Model, Examine, Diagnose, VVDS ,protecting catalogs, Changing catalog size
  1. Introduction about JES
  2. Phases of JES, MAS (Multi- Access-Spool)
  3. JES Command
  4. Monitoring Console Messages
  5. Checkpoint and SPOOL Datasets
    ES2 Vs JES3, NJE, RJE
  6. JES2 procedure
  7. JES start and stop
  8. JES2PARM parameters
  9. JES commands
  1. IPL Introduction
  2. SE, HMC,
  3. Load address, Load parameter
  4. Phases of IPL
  5. Memory mapping, CSA, SQA, PLPA, MLPA, FLPA
  6. Region
  7. Segment and page tables
  8. DAT
  9. Types of IPL
  10. Start Up Procedure
  11. Shutdown Procedure
  12. IPL Commands