Arich Infotech

A Moot Point

A Moot Point In a legal context, a moot point pertains to an impractical issue that holds no significance in pursuing and will not contribute…

A Viable Option

A Viable Option A viable option is a solution that is both achievable and practical for a given situation. Santhosh, who was constructing a new…

Bona Fide

Bona Fide Bona fide, a Latin expression denoting sincerity, genuineness, or authenticity, played a crucial role in Monica’s job application process. After clearing the interview…

Fruitful Discussion

Fruitful Discussion A productive conversation involves the exchange of ideas that leads to new insights and a deeper understanding, which is commonly referred to as…


A penalty refers to the monetary fine or disciplinary consequence one must bear for violating a law, contract, or rule. While riding our bikes on…